Downloads for amateur radio

General Catalogue:   Amateur Radios and Receivers 2024

Base Station:   IC-7760   IC-7610   IC-7300   IC-9700   IC-905   IC-705   IC-7100

Mobile:   ID-5100E   IC-2730E

Handheld:   ID-52E PLUS (60th anniversary edition)   ID-52E   ID-50E   IC-T10

Receiver:   IC-R8600    IC-R15   IC-R6

More:   AH-705   AH-730   RS-BA1 Version 2

D-STAR Digital Repeater:   ID-RP2010V_ID-RP4010V_ID-RP1200DV

Apps: RS-MS1I_RS-MS1A   RS-R30I_RS-R30A

Current Declarations of Conformity (DoC) of our products are available for download on

Firmware updates and software downloads for several transceiver models and also for the remote control software you can find at:

Here you can also download a D-STAR repeater list for your transceiver (zip file; available for selected models only):

ID-52E Repeater list

Following utility software is required for installation and programming D-STAR repeaters.(zip file)

ID-RP3 Utilities 2024-AUG