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Pager software for Windows® in conjunction with digital Icom radios


dPMR™ Mode 3 Digital Trunking

dPMR is a 6.25 kHz FDMA based digital radio protocol described in the ETSI technical standards TS 102 658. It offers 6.25kHz spectrum efficiency, higher security and greater audio clarity even on the fringes of the communication range. In a dPMR Mode 3 digital trunking system, when a user requests a call through a dedicated control channel, the trunking controller automatically allocates one of the traffic channels and sets up the call. The system can accommodate a large number of users on a limited number of repeater channels with high efficiency. The CS-FC5000SCS System Control Software can interconnect multiple trunking controllers over an IP network, so the system can be expanded from a single site system to multiple sites or region wide network to increase coverage.

  • Dedicated control channel
  • Efficient spectrum usage
  • Up to 32 channels per site
    One control channel, Up to 31 traffic channels
  • Up to 32 site multi-site trunking with CS-FC5000SCS System Control Software
  • Up to 256 Sites Multi-region Connection (8 Region × 32 Sites for example)
  • Channel License System
  • Automatic roaming from site to site
  • Subscriber registration


Total dPMR™ Mode 3 Trunking Solution

Centralized Control Channel Trunking
The IC-FC5000E dPMR Mode 3 trunking system uses a centralized control channel system. The control channel is independent of the traffic channels and continuously transmits a control signal. The system allocates a traffic channel for the whole duration of a call and can provide quick response during a series of calls.The dPMR Mode 3 trunking system is suited to controlling a large number of users in systems with congested traffic channels.

Up to 32 Channels in a Site
The IC-FC5000E controls up to 32 channels of connected repeaters over an IP network. (One control channel and up to 31 traffic channels.) The IC-FC5000E can be configured with the CS-FC5000 Controller Management Software via a web browser through an IP network.

Up to 32 Site Multi-site Trunking
When used with the CS-FC5000SCS, System Control Software, up to 32 trunking controllers can be connected over an IP network for linking multiple sites. A radio can communicate with other radios registered to the interlinked trunked sites for multi-site roaming and calling service.

Up to 256 Sites Multi-region Connection
A region is comprised of up to 32 repeater sites controlled under the CS-FC5000SCS. The CS-FC5000SCS can be interconnected and provides multi-region connnection for region wide network virtually across the country.

Channel License System
A four channel license activation key is supplied with the IC-FC5000E controller for a single site system. When increasing repeater channels or deploying multi-site or multi-region system, additional channel license activation keys are required for each repeater channel.

Call Queuing and Pre-emptive Emergency
If all traffic channels are busy, the user’s call request is automatically stored in the call queuing until a traffic channel is available. The emergency call can give priority level to a normal call in the call queuing, and the emergency call can force another normal priority call to be cleared down.

CS-FC5000 Controller Management Software

  • Configures the system settings including repeater channels, fleet settings and various system options
  • Firmware update and remote reboot over an IP network
  • Web based software allows connecting of multiple clients (up to 20 accounts)
  • Supports localized language for system labels
  • Save and load the system setting file for the system backup
  • Exports SCF (System Configuration File) for programming terminal radios

Other Features

  • Optional RS-MGR2 System Manager software maintains the traffic and system logs to assist in system administration
  • A traffic channel can be configured as a secondary control channel
  • Telephone interconnect (Planned)

Rear panel view

  • IDAS and IDAS logo are trademarks of Icom Incorporated.
  • dPMR and the dPMR logo are trademarks of the dPMR MoU Association.
  • All other trademarks are the properties of their respective holders.



Further information can be found in the download area



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